The Exciting Ford New Car Model Range
The Ford New Van Model Range
Located at Huddersfield
Note: This enquiry will not leave a mark on your credit history.
We are pleased to provide you with a no obligation credit check, with just a few basic details we can advise the likelihood of obtaining car credit on your behalf. This soft credit check does not leave a mark on your credit history. Based on the information provided you can use that information for your own use, or continue with a full finance application. If you would like further advice feel free to call, or use the live chat facility.
£210 Road Tax*
30E Insurance group
210 BHP Brake HorsePower
149g/km Co2 Emissions
*The Road Fund License fee is calculated on the original list price of the vehicle, the fee on vehicles with additional optional extras from new may differ.
You can change the plan to suit your needs
TrustFord Huddersfield Huddersfield St Andrews Road Huddersfield HD1 6RJ Call :01484 501 515
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